The birds...
Storm Petrels (or “stormies”) are tiny sparrow-sized seabirds that traverse the globe on their migrations, only rarely coming to land.
A storm petrel carrying an individually numbered ring. This bird was originally ringed in Scotland, and subsequently re-caught in Portugal.
A "stormie" at sea
The Research…
Since 1990 stormies have been the focus of one of A Rocha Portugal's long-running research projects, on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. The project examines the links between climate, oceanography, marine food-webs and the diet and migration strategies of storm petrels. See the numerous other postings on this blog for further details of our research and to see photos of previous storm petrel teams in action
The Research…
Since 1990 stormies have been the focus of one of A Rocha Portugal's long-running research projects, on the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. The project examines the links between climate, oceanography, marine food-webs and the diet and migration strategies of storm petrels. See the numerous other postings on this blog for further details of our research and to see photos of previous storm petrel teams in action
Members of the research team hard at work
The participants...
Each year, we welcome volunteers from all around the world and of all ages, to take part in this exciting and topical research project. Small teams of 6-8 volunteers stay for 10 days each, working alongside scientists from Cardiff University and A Rocha Portugal. No previous experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and a reasonable level of physical fitness; all necessary training is provided.

Manuela, a volunteer from Italy

Manuela, a volunteer from Italy
Stormies are captured at night at a beautiful and remote location near the western Cape. Sound recordings of the storm petrel's songs are used to lure the birds into mist nets, from which they are carefully extracted by trained bird ringers, then weighed measured and quickly released.

Good food, a warm welcome and impressive facial hair are the observatory’s specialities!

The project staff...
Gui Rethore, A Rocha biologist and coordinator of A Rocha's Ecoservices enterprise, providing exciting encounters with Portuguese wildlife throughout the year. One of Gui's many roles is to host the Storm petrel project teams and coordinate the bird ringing data collection.

Dr Renata Medeiros, post-doctoral researcher at Cardiff University (Wales, UK); storm petrel project coordinator.

Dr Rob Thomas, lecturer in Biosciences at Cardiff University

2013 dates
Team 1: June 3-12
Team 2: June 12-21
Team 3: June 21-30
Team 2: June 12-21
Team 3: June 21-30
2013 prices: £ 550 per person for 10 days Includes accommodation, good food and all research expenses
(travel to Portugal and travel insurance are not included).
A number of student/pensioner discounts may be available (details available on request: contact )
Further information and BookingsTo find out more about joining the project in 2013, or to make a booking, please contact the project coordinator:
A number of student/pensioner discounts may be available (details available on request: contact )
Further information and BookingsTo find out more about joining the project in 2013, or to make a booking, please contact the project coordinator:
Dr Renata Medeiros, Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF103AX, UK.
We look forward to hosting you in Portugal in 2013, for the A Rocha storm petrel project's 24th year!